Mary is the founder and president of Songsmith, a non-profit organization created to discover, showcase and promote local songwriters and artists, especially the amazing talent in Texas. We currently have four chapters: Dallas-Ft. Worth, Houston, Austin and Salado.
If you have ever written a song.
If you have ever wanted to write one.
Or if you simply want to know the secrets behind the songs you love, Songsmith is for you!
Please check our website by clicking on the logo above for more about Songsmith and contact info for each chapter.
How to Get Somewhere in the Music Business from Nowhere with Nothing
is Mary's book, written in response to the many emails and questions she receives from songwriters and artists who are beginning, or re-starting, their music careers. The book is easy to read and traces the monumental changes in the music industry from the early years of the 21st Century to the present. It provides a step-by-step guide for understanding and taking advantage of the new opportunities available from wherever you may live. The book is available at Amazon in paperback or on Kindle.
Click on the image of the book cover to access the Amazon link.
As a 37-year member of a Twelve Step Fellowship, Mary has created a new genre of songs especially created to support and inspire the millions of people who apply the Steps to their daily lives.
Her landmark recording, The Serenity Songs Project: Twelve Steps to Freedom, features a song on each of the Steps as well as The Serenity Prayer as a song. For a sample of this music, click the logo above.
Mary has a very large catalog of songs in all styles and genres, which are available to local, regional and national artists. If you are an artist in need of fresh material for recording and performing, please contact Mary for more information.
Mary has a long career of presenting seminars and classes on both the CRAFT and the BUSINESS of songwriting. Watch this space for updates on upcoming events.
If you are interested in hosting a class or seminar, please contact Mary for scheduling and details.